Manufacturing Intelligence Webinar
September 14, 2023

What Manufacturers can learn from the Maintenance of Critical Infrastructure

Download the webinar slides (PDF)

Join Factbird and Claus Hincke to get a better understanding of maintenance best practices and how they could be applied to manufacturing in this on-demand webinar.

Learn from Claus’ extensive maintenance experience at Banedanmark, the organization responsible for 3,102 km of railway tracks in Denmark, and Copenhagen Airport, the largest airport in Scandinavia.

  • Uncover the challenges of implementing good maintenance practices.
  • Learn why it’s so important to go from reactive to proactive maintenance.
  • Understand how short-term goals can hinder long-term maintenance strategies.
  • Learn how to instigate cultural shifts to drive better maintenance practices.
  • Explore real-world examples of good maintenance practices.
  • Peek into the future of manufacturing maintenance with expert predictions.
  • Receive tailored recommendations for improving your manufacturing maintenance based on your company's size.

Would you like to know more about Factbird's solutions for streamlined data collection and equipment maintenance? Then jump to our Equipment Maintenance solution overview.

#ManufacturingMaintenance #ManufacturingIntelligence


Claus Hincke

Claus Hincke

Infrastructure Director at Banedanmark

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