Live Output Flow Monitoring

Gain real-time insights into your production process. Track the output flow live and adjust dynamically to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Monitor your production, real-time

Visualize your live output flow and the speed of your production cycles to draw new learnings and maximize your uptime and production efficiency on all your lines.

Speed loss monitoring manufacturing
Live Flow Monitoring Factbird

Track production performance metrics

Monitor live production output, cycle speed, value-adding time, longest non-stop operation, cycle time, the number of stops, and many other key performance metrics in real time.

Assess how you're currently doing and identify areas where quick improvements can be made.

Empower future results through historical insights

Take a deeper dive into your KPIs and analyze their historical trajectory to get valuable insights into your production process over time.

For instance, tracking value-adding time helps you optimize resource utilization by pinpointing non-productive activities, while managing cycle time aligns your production pace with customer demand, reducing waste.

Live Flow Monitoring Factbird

Gain real-time production insights, reduce downtime, and see fast ROI.