Factbird Professional services

Unlock improvements with a productivity Kaizen Blitz

Accelerate your operational excellence with Factbird's productivity Kaizen Blitz. Our lean experts facilitate an on-site, intensive workshop to uncover productivity enhancements from your data, guiding your team through a step-by-step improvement journey.

Factbird productivity kaizen blitz looking at stop causes

Accelerate improvements with our Productivity Kaizen Blitz.

Our intensive workshop helps your team unlock new potential in your existing equipment. Use data to improve equipment uptime and reduce cost.

Analytics icon

Data-driven insights

Leverage your Factbird data to identify and implement productivity improvements.

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Reduce costs

Target waste and optimize processes to reduce operational costs.

Operational excellence icon

Increase uptime

Improve your overall equipment effectiveness and maximize uptime.

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Foster collaboration

Enhance teamwork across departments to drive continuous improvement.

On-site facilitation

Expert-guided workshop

Our lean experts come to your facility to lead a week-long discovery and discussion based on your data.

Factbird productivity kaizen blitz team standup
Factbird productivity kaizen blitz data collection
Project management

Fuel your improvement pipeline

Develop a roadmap of improvement activities for the coming months that will lead to tangible results.

Employee engagement

Cross-functional collaboration

Improve collaboration across teams and functions by speaking a common language founded in data to achieve collective success.

Factbird productivity kaizen blitz looking at OEE data
Factbird productivity kaizen blitz video analysis of stops
Customized action plan

Tailored implementation strategy

Create a customized plan to effectively implement identified improvements that helps your team unlock hidden potential.

Skilled trainers, engaging sessions.

Enjoy an accelerated path to improvement with our Productivity Kaizen Blitz, focused on helping you unlock the full potential of your manufacturing processes.

Through site visits and  workshops, we guide your team through data collection, brainstorming, deep-dive analysis, solution development, standardization, implementation planning, and follow-up. The result is increased equipment uptime, reduced cycle times, and cost savings.

Factbird OEE training session
Meet the expert

Dino Redzepovic

With over a decade in manufacturing and supply chain, Dino specializes in operational excellence and digital transformation. As a Senior Customer Solutions Architect at Factbird, he develops professional services content and manages implementations.

Six Sigma Black Belt and Train the Trainer certified, Dino empowers manufacturers through productivity workshops, team training, and optimizing operations to drive tangible results.

The host of this course

Reach your goals faster!

Contact Factbird to learn more about our professional service offerings and how to turn actionable data and insights into valuable outcomes faster.

  • Accelerate change and maximize Factbird ROI.
  • Get quicker buy-in of new processes and upskilling.
  • Benefit from on-site Factbird expertise and LEAN knowledge.

Manufacturers turn to Factbird to gain factory floor insights in real time