Clarity and control: How Factbird reshaped production at Koninklijke De Kuyper

De Kuyper uses Factbird in their manufacturing
Koninklijke De Kuyper
September 3, 2024
Food & Beverage

Koninklijke De Kuyper (aka De Kuyper Royal Distillers) is a renowned player in the global beverage industry from the Netherlands, producing such brands as Archers, Peachtree, Abuelo, Kwai Feh, De Kuyper Ready to Serve Cocktails, and many others.  

Feeling limited by their current production tracking system and in search of new efficiencies, they transitioned to a new manufacturing intelligence system — Factbird.

The switch to Factbird has significantly improved the clarity and accessibility of production data, which has led to better decision-making processes.

The following case study details the journey of Marco Blom, the production manager, and Jolanda Stolk, a shift leader at the company, from the old system to Factbird.

The challenge

Before the implementation of Factbird, Koninklijke De Kuyper did not have the necessary data visibility and analytical capabilities required for efficient production management. Marco Blom expressed his frustrations, noting, “We were not entirely satisfied as we could not get the data we needed from it.”

The lack of reliable data and real-time tracking hindered their operational efficiency.

The solution

The decision to switch to Factbird was driven by the need for a more intuitive and robust system.  

Factbird offered a seamless, real-time monitoring solution that was easy to use and provided a clear overview of production, which were crucial for immediate decision-making. Marco highlighted the ease of use when filling out stop causes and the ability to follow everything live as significant improvements.

The transition to Factbird allowed for easier data capture and quicker access to essential production metrics. Jolanda Stolk said, “This system is much clearer,” remarking on the clarity Factbird brought.  

Compared to their old ways of working, the team at Koninklijke De Kuyper gained multiple benefits with Factbird’s Manufacturing Intelligence tools when compared to their previous system:

  • A clear overview of data
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Ease of use
  • Detailed data for stop causes
  • Support for traceability checks
  • Customizable PowerBI dashboards
  • Efficient quality control
  • Immediate access to production metrics
  • Live tracking of production

The implementation

The implementation process of Factbird was smooth and straightforward. Marco was particularly pleased with the guidance provided by Factbird's team, "It was pleasant and smooth... It’s actually more a matter of setting up and starting to fill in the system, then it starts running by itself."  

Jolanda also found the transition easy, advocating for a gradual approach to adopting the new system to ensure adaptability and minimize disruption.

The results

Since implementing Factbird, Koninklijke De Kuyper has enjoyed increased transparency in its production processes. Factbird’s real-time data tracking has helped the company to better manage quality control and maintenance checks, enhancing traceability and accountability.

Marco also appreciates the ability to customize data dashboards through integration with PowerBI, providing tailored insights that are specific to their operational needs.

The clarity of data presentation and ease of use have significantly impacted daily operations and strategic planning. The new system also supports sustainability efforts by providing data that helps optimize production and reduce waste.


The adoption of Factbird at Koninklijke De Kuyper has marked a significant improvement in how production data is managed and utilized, promoting greater operational efficiency, and supporting proactive decision-making.

As the industry moves towards more efficient and sustainable practices, having access to the right data at the right time becomes increasingly important, and Factbird has proven to be an invaluable tool in this regard.

Marco and Jolanda's experiences highlight the positive changes that come with the right technological tools, demonstrating Factbird's role not just as a data system, but as a driver of continuous improvement and innovation.

Manufacturers turn to Factbird to gain factory floor insights in real time